3 Meals
3 Meals
The social, political, and cultural climate in our country over the past several years is increasingly polarizing and it leaves people divided, apathetic, or disengaged. Despite living in a diverse city, region, and country, people naturally cluster around those who have similar interests, viewpoints, or characteristics to themselves. This can lead to assumptions, misunderstandings, or aggressive stances towards those who are different than themselves. We need a way to change how we relate and engage with each other.
3 Meals is a project that brings together individuals who are characteristically different from each other to spend a full day of sharing stories while sharing three meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) for the explicit purpose of better understanding each other.
Our first campaign was "Sexual Orientation" bringing together five individuals who are gay, lesbian, straight, bisexual, and asexual with the intent of being better known and to better understand others without debate, defense, or desire to convert perspectives.
Our Campaign Approach:
- 3 MEALS DAY: Selected participants spend one full day with each other. The day will be video and photo documented. The experience will become a film documentary.
- 2-3 MONTH EDUCATION: A series of articles, videos, and resources released to educate the public about various aspects of the campaign topic.
- DOCUMENTARY SCREENING EVENT: 3 Meals Day documentary film is screened for the public followed by Q&A with the participants to discuss the experience.
- PERSONAL MEAL EXPERIENCE: People sign up to participate in their own Meal experience grouped with others of varying backgrounds and perspectives.
Funding Goal Per Campaign:
We need to raise $10,000 to cover the costs of equipment, video production, marketing, meals, venues, and related operational expenses for each campaign. You can help us produce each campaign by becoming a sponsor:
MEAL SPONSOR $100 Web Site / Documentary
Special Mention in Printed Programs
Special Mention in Documentary
CAMPAIGN SPONSOR $1,000 All of above PLUS
Special Mention at Events
Any amount of donation helps! Thank you!
If you are making a donation at a particular sponsorship level, please also send email to eric.leocadio@gocatalyst.org so that we can get any logo/web site information from you to make the proper acknowledgements and thanks.
Ways to Get Involved:
- Become a sponsor by making a donation (above) to help advance our 3 Meals campaigns.
- Join Team Catalyst (here) by being on the Production Crew, research team, writing team, or planning team.
- Become an organizational Partner by helping to promote the documentary screening event.
- Share the Education resources as we post them with your network of friends to help increase our reach.